Friday, September 7, 2012

How to Deal with Mesothelioma as a Veteran

How to Deal with Mesothelioma as a Veteran
Written by Guest Blogger, Doug Karr

The truth can be scary, but veterans are at greater risk for developing mesothelioma than most other people.  Mesothelioma is an aggressive form of cancer that affects the lungs.  This is often caused by prolonged exposure to asbestos, which is currently the only known cause for mesothelioma.  Asbestos can be found in a variety of things, from walls to floors and other applications where you are either stationed or living.  The problem with mesothelioma is that it is an incredibly aggressive cancer and is often diagnosed too late for the patient to receive any form of treatment.

The main reason that veterans have a higher risk for developing this cancer is simply because the military has been known to use asbestos in many different applications.  This is due to the fact that it is resistant to fire, making it ideal for ships and stations.  Another thing that many veterans have to take into account is the fact that they may have been stationed in an area overseas where asbestos was plentiful.  You and your squad may have been positioned in an old and abandoned building for weeks.  Prolonged exposure is the reason why many people develop this form of cancer.

Mesothelioma does not often show itself until it is too late.  The beginning stages of this cancer show very few symptoms, making it practically undetectable.  It is only when the cancer becomes highly aggressive when most people notice there is a problem.  The main issue with mesothelioma is that it is often fatal to those who have it.  This is not to say that a person should not give up hope and deny treatment, only your doctor will be able to advise you on what is best for your health and the stage in which your cancer is currently at.

This cancer can be a devastating diagnosis to hear from your healthcare practitioner.  One way to keep an eye on your health if you are a veteran is to visit your doctor regularly.  Let your doctor know that you are a veteran and may have been exposed to asbestos while in the military.  When your doctor knows what to look for, you could have a chance of catching the cancer early on and treating it successfully.  Work closely with your doctor to ensure that they are aware of any changes in your health each time that you go for a visit.

If you currently have mesothelioma and were recently diagnosed, you can receive compensation for your suffering.  Many veterans who were exposed to asbestos while serving can win a lot of money in court if they work with the right attorney and can prove that the military is where they contracted the cancer.  Obviously, you will want to talk more about this with your lawyer to see what they advise you to do.  In the majority of cases, you will find that the compensation you receive will come in handy for your loved ones and their own financial stability.

Caring for yourself while dealing with mesothelioma can be difficult, but it is important to treat the cancer the best you can and to follow all of your doctor's orders.  There have been patients who have been able to fight mesothelioma and regain their lives back.  You can have a similar story if you fight and treat the cancer as best as you possibly can.  As a veteran, you are probably used to fighting and standing strong, and this is no different when it comes to the way you were when serving in the military.

It is essential that you visit your doctor regularly and to aggressively seek treatment whenever and wherever possible.  You may also want to speak with a lawyer who will be able to discuss the financial and legal aspects to your condition.  Mesothelioma is one of the most fatal cancers out there, but you can also prevent it by letting your doctor know that you may have been exposed to asbestos while serving in the military.  Be sure to keep your appointments with your doctor and follow the tests that they will run to check for the cancer early on so that they can catch it before it develops.

Dough Karr is a former Petty Officer Second Class, US Navy